
78th Temporal Tuesday - 28 December

Cookiemouse: #TemporalTues Back to my future wife, the Easter Bunny #Hefner

Cookiemouse: #2010memories #iprefer #TemporalTues #Hefner Saint Expédit helps if you spread the word

Pictmatrix: A HUGE big thank you to @Wendell_A_Howe for the use of his #TemporalTues Time Machine! Dr. Wendell A. Howe, you are a GENIUS sir!♥

mrrustymonkey: * pops his monkey head into the twitterverse, his hand holding an old piece of #TemporalTues string *

mrrustymonkey: * sits down on a #TemporalTues shelf, closes his eyes & thinks about all the colors in a rainbow *

mrrustymonkey: Today on this #TemporalTues, I'm a Christmas present under somebody's tree! It's 1933

mrrustymonkey: I'm in a colorful box #TemporalTues, tied with ribbons & a bow! I'm ready to pop out & get on with this show!

mrrustymonkey: Who am I kidding #TemporalTues, I know the real score. I'm on a shelf in a store. I'm not "new" anymore

mrrustymonkey: I'm in a storage box #TemporalTues, tied with old packing string, dreaming of the love that I'll someday bring...

mrrustymonkey: ...to someone special #TemporalTues, will it be a girl or a boy? I wonder who's waiting for my kind of toy?

mrrustymonkey: #TemporalTues, it's dark in here. I can't see a thing. But with my imagination...I've got the world on a string!

mrrustymonkey: Oh #TemporalTues time machine, while I wait in this dark, I might as well sing...I've Got the World On a String

Love__Lace: Tucking in - 1822 #TemporalTues I drift & hear,"...a slumbering thought, is capable of years, and curdles a long life into one hour." Byron

Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues Took Lilly to 12/28/1895, to see the world's first commercial movie screening at the Grand Cafe in Paris.

Captain_Zaphod: T.W. pt1 not- #TemporalTues but similar. Lilly & I take Global Airlines Flight 33, en route from London to New York City

Wendell_Howe: #TemporalTues wish I could take Phillip Reid to see President Obama's Inauguration. (If you don't know who he is, see blogspot)

mousewords: Actually wound up being very productive today! Now relaxing with "Back to the Future 3" (appropriate for #temporaltues day) :)


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