
7th Temporal Tuesday - 18 August

Thursday, August 13th @vonHogflume found a loophole to Temporal Tuesday by traveling ahead to Tuesday…which can lead to dire time paradox consequences!

vonHogflume: Just visited next Tuesday to see what's happening. Watched a horse race, back here to bet on it. Need extra funds. #TemporalTues

vonHogflume: I wonder if betting on a horse race happening next Tuesday somehow affects the outcome of the race. Must find out. #TemporalTues

vonHogflume: @vonHogflume Perhaps I won't bet as much as I planned (£1m) on the race next Tuesday (that I've already seen) in case it affects the race.

vonHogflume: Hmmm, why am I sending tweets to myself? I don't remember sending that last one yet. Am I perhaps tweeting myself from another time?

@SonofGroucho Yeah, so now what do we do? I would tend to think that if Thurber said it, he got it from Voltaire.

@TomYHowe I certainly think we can exclude the possibility that Voltaire got it from Thurber! :)

TomYHowe: @SonofGroucho Who knows, maybe he was in on #temporaltues?

kagillogly: For #TemporalTues tomorrow, I'm thinking of visiting pre-Christian Ireland. Any suggestions for how to manage it?

scablander: @kagillogly Ancient Ireland, eh. Won't even need a time machine. Celtic mythology is full of time travel. #TemporalTues

somebluenotes: January 1, 2010 - DONE with college applications! #TemporalTues

somebluenotes: Change of plans. I think I'll take a gap year. In my homeland. Taking an apprenticeship under a costume dressmaker. #TemporalTues

AssassinGrl@Wendell_Howe do these time machines only go into the past or do they go to the future as well?

Wendell_Howe: @AssassinGrl On #TemporalTues there are no rules since you are outside the jurisdiction of the Enforcers, so yes you can go to future.

AssassinGrl@Wendell_Howe I'd love a time machine, but really assassins shouldn't have them. We'd screw the timeline all to hell and back.

LiaKeyes: Wow, just discovered #TemporalTues! So. Very. Excited! #inkpot #scbwi #fantasy #kidlit #writechat

LiaKeyes: 25 more fans on my FB fan page & I'll B able to claim name! Can we do it before midnyt Tues? Tempus Chronicles #fantasy #TemporalTues

EngridE1: @LiaKeyes Not really online. Where/what year would you choose to go to for #TemporalTues #inkpot #scbwi #fantasy #kidlit #writechat

scaree: #TemporalTues I claim my free ride back to 1889 so I can watch my great great grandfather ride horses and take photos

Wendell_Howe: 2656 - I say, it's #TemporalTues Hmm, if I could go anywhere and do anything without the Enforcers to stop me, I'd go back to last week...

Wendell_Howe: ...& tell Mum don't even think about trying to set me up with that wretched woman! Don't care if she doesn't want a husband who's underfoot.

captain_erika: #TemporalTues - Going over to 2656 and helping out @Wendell_Howe with his dating problems. :)

Wendell_Howe: @captain_erika #TemporalTues - Do you know karate?

captain_erika@Wendell_Howe *grins* I know karate. And I'm pretty good with

wanderingnathan#TemporalTues Following @captain_erika's lead & helping out @Wendell_Howe, bringing lots of coffee for the Captain & tea for Wendell.

Wendell_Howe@wanderingnathan Any aid will be greatly appreciated. Hmm...single, right? No, can't do that. Won't save self by sicking Doris on you.

wanderingnathan@Wendell_Howe No, especially not when I've brought you tea and I think a certain someone might object to that. *grins*

Wendell_Howe@wanderingnathan I was only kidding. I wouldn't thrust Doris on my worse enemy!

wanderingnathan@Wendell_Howe *grins* I know :D

thejonpearson: Going back to last week to warn a good friend that his transmission intake != tow hook. #temporaltues

GallifreyNative: #TemporalTues: I want to travel back to when Michelangelo was sculpting David. I would love to study his work & hear his thoughts about it.

CHCatMom: #Temporaltues Heading off to where it all began, The Garden of Eden. Wait... Do I smell apples?

okelay: It's #temporaltues today! Where shall I go? Hey @wendell_howe do we ever get jetpacks?

Wendell_Howe@okelay #temporaltues You can anything you need for the trip.

Lenscapper1@Wendell_Howe I can get cookies then

Wendell_Howe@Lenscapper1 Yes, you have cookies for your Time Travel Trip. Macaroons work well.

Doc_RemyCorrections: Got to send 21c. Parisienne Macaroons to Dr. @Wendell_Howe for his time traveling snack. Gosh hope I set the time right!

Wendell_Howe@Doc_Remy Macaroons received. Thank you for your fine gift.

Doc_Remy@Wendell_Howe Happy and pleased knowing you've got the goodies: Just test drive my time machine for next #TemporalTues

ontheblob: Would go back to last week & take @thejonpearson 's advice! #temporaltues

ontheblob: Off to Dawn of Time to teach Hominids writing & stone carving so they can say what they did. History over Archeology FTW! #temporaltues

GoldGodRyukendo: 1987 November - Watching myself being conceived. this afro is itchy though. #TemporalTues

GoldGodRyukendo: 1987 November. Nachos are so much better in the late 80's then in the 21st century. #TemporalTues

GoldGodRyukendo: 1987 November. Commercials for "Star Trek: The Next Generation" are popping up everywhere. #TemporalTues

GoldGodRyukendo: 1987 November. Its my journeys end so I'm going to have a turkey sandwich and get in my time travel box. #temporaltues

TomYHowe: He began to gibber and squeak, his temporal lobe ripped apart by forces beyond his imagination.... #temporaltues

TomYHowe: Turns out yesterday is really tomorrow. Who knew? #temporaltues

TomYHowe: Never do today what you and hop in your time machine and do in 357 BC. #temporaltues

TomYHowe: FREE VACATION GIVEAWAY!!!! Go anywhere you want and anytime you want. You can borrow my time machine if you want. #temporaltues

TomYHowe: #temporaltues Went back to when I was conceived. Boy, that was gross.

vonHogflume: #TemporalTues - I'm going back to visit the original Globe Theatre in London to see the first showing of "The Taming of the Shrew".

tharook: #TemporalTues - Thursday so I can find out early where I'll be spending the next four years of my life.

CapnAlex: I second that notion. RT @tharook #TemporalTues - Thursday so I can find out early where I'll be spending the next four years of my life.

Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues Gone back to 1884 to try to convince Tesla not to work for Edison but to copyright his own inventions & ask for a Tesla Gun.

Animadi@Wendell_Howe Hmm I have never done a #temporaltues before so can I just explore anywhere? Anytime? Really?

Animadi@Wendell_Howe It is #temporaltues today so I am going to visit the Stonewall In on Saturday, June 28, 1969 and participate in the rebellion!

Animadi@Wendell_Howe I am going to send my 15 year old self to Ancient Athens dressed in drag. #temporaltues

SusanDEisenberg: It's #temporalTues. I long to visit Cohoes, NY, during Panic of 1857 & meet future American playwright, James A. Herne.

SusanDEisenberg: @Wendell_Howe #temporalTues Long to visit Cohoes NY in spring of 1857 to read Letters from a Factory Girl in "The Cohoes Cataract" paper.

DJClicheDarknes: #temporalTues .. did not follow rules. Stole machine. Stuck in big volcano. I think machine vibrations causing agitation. Nearby town danger

meredeth: #TemporalTues i'd like to go back a couple days and prevent this air conditioner coil from freezing up. (T_T)

HistoryLuV3R: #TemporalTues My time machine as taken me to a Victorian ball. I don't think I'm really dressed for the occasion however, oh Well! :-P

HistoryLuV3R: @Robsbrwneyedgrl You have to to put #TemporalTues in order for it to count Syl RT back to the time of the Depression era.

BigFrigginJimmy: #temporaltues Going back and partying with Genghis Kahn. Gonna pillage like Mongol.

Robsbrwneyedgrl: #TemporalTues would like to go back to the time of the Depression era. W/ my camera of course.

ViaAriel: 1927- Partying it up in NYC. #TemporalTues

darklingmuse: Frak this century. Off I go for #TemporalTues ! I know not where. The randomizer circuit beckons with winking jewels.

scablander: #TemporalTues Go back two years and tell myself, some people are just meant to be zombies.

dangergrrlie: #temporaltues Going back to this morning, to remind myself to take the keys...

dangergrrlie: #temporaltues Oh yeah, and to not rub your eyes after chopping hot peppers. #lessonsyoulearnonlyonce


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