
5th Temporal Tuesday - 4 August

DoctorSinister: 1587 AD. With a gun at William Shakespeare's head persuading him to put the character of Doctor Sinister in every play. #TemporalTues

Wendell_Howe: Once more @DoctorSinister has beat everyone to #TemporalTues Click on hashmark to discover his evil plan.

captain_erika: @Wendell_Howe *sighs* Always the first for #temporaltues, huh? *sips coffee*

Wendell_Howe: Yes,@DoctorSinister tweeted 12:08 a.m. BST, but it was still Monday GMT.

@captain_erika It still counts because it was Tuesday somewhere in world, so @DoctorSinster didn't do anything wrong...except ruin plays.

captain_erika@Wendell_Howe *chuckles* Well, I'll be nice and tweet my Temporal Tuesday when it's 12 AM on the ship. *grins*

lizaanne42: #TemporalTues Going to gad about in Roaring Twenties wearing glittery dresses and attending parties at stately homes.

Mister_Wilbur: 504 Million BCE. See the weirdness of the Burgess Shale biota and bring back some pictures too. #TemporalTues

captain_erika: #TemporalTues - definitely go back to when Lt. Stiles got onto the ship...and reject his transfer. Save us some goddamn heartache.

Wendell_Howe: I wish I could go to the year 2003 & stop Colin Baker from doing this: Gallifreyan Buccaneer Poor Gilbert & Sullivan! #TemporalTues

wanderingnathan@Wendell_Howe But I love that song!

Wendell_Howe@wanderingnathan I suppose you could go back to 2003 and stop me from stopping Colin Baker,but Enforcers would beat you to it.

wanderingnathan@Wendell_Howe Wouldn't they stop you first? *grins*

lizaanne42@Wendell_Howe oh stop! I liked that one! Poor lad.

Wendell_Howe@lizaanne42 Oh my, didn't realize we had so many Colin Baker fans out there. It's not a bad song. It's just...well, why Gilbert & Sullivan!

lizaanne42@Wendell_Howe G & S do deserve better but... I am the Very Model of a Gallifreyan Buccaneer

MartianBethany: #TemporalTues I'm thinking I'd love to go see pre-civil war America. It's so romanticized, it'd be interesting to see it for real.

HistoryLuV3r: Saw the beheading of Anne Boleyn today. I was so tempted to pull off an escaperfor the poor woman but she had too (continued)

vonHogflume: On #TemporalTues I am going back to 1066AD to check if it really WAS Harold who got an arrow in his eye as shown in the Bayeux Tapestry.

vonHogflume: I have converted a mobile phone to be able to send tweets across time. How do others communicate on #TemporalTues ?

mimsigiggles: Ooh yay! It's #TemporalTues today! Where shall I go? Rather, when shall I go? :)

VeryEvilPixie: #temporaltues going back to when i was deliriously happy with the guy i adored and my family and my bestest best friend in the world.

ontheblob: #temporaltues Going to midnight in NZ to beat @DoctorSinister to the 1st post!

ontheblob: #temporaltues Going to SF in 1870 to burn Levi Strauss' business down, stop blue jeans from being invented. Top THAT evil, Doc S!

#temporaltues Going back to 1851 to give Elias Howe the idea for velcro.

ontheblob: #temporaltues For more time travel fun, read my short story @ Always Time To Do It Over. How the 1871 Chicago Fire REALLY started! (Not the cow!)

ontheblob: #temporaltues Going back & giving ex-wife's father a pack of condoms.

thejonpearson: #temporaltues Alexandria, Egypt; 49BC. Making copies of some things before they're lost. Also having a drink with Ptolemy.

thejonpearson: #temporaltues Alexandria, Egypt; 250AD. Checking to see if the library really burned in 47BC. If not, making more copies!

TomYHowe: #temporaltues Have returned to a point in time where we can adjust human DNA to where we can eat as much as we want without getting fat.

TomYHowe: #temporaltues Went back to right before I lost my virginity to give myself instructions. Maybe it won't suck now.

TomYHowe: #temporaltues Returned to a point in time where I was a hot sexy hunk. (three lifetimes ago) Told myself to get laid while I could.

TomYHowe: #temporaltues Time Mobile acting up again. Accidentally ended up in today.

TomYHowe: #temporaltues Went forward in time to my funeral so I could send flowers.

TomYHowe: #temporaltues Went back to the dinos to see if I could tickle a Tyrannosaurus. They ain't ticklish, fyi.

okelay: #temporaltues 1775.Hampshire.On my way to visit one of my favourite authors. I'd take a novel for her to sign but that might scare her

CHCatMom: #TemporalTues not a time destination, but a place. Have always wanted to view the world from the treetops. Invisible, seated, watching.

MLx: @dorfird thanks for reminding me about #TemporalTues. I'd like to go go back to the Antebellum South , as long as I'm rich and white..

ThatNeilGuy: Tried to time travel for #TemporalTues. Now hurtling into the future, but I seem to be stuck traveling at 1 second per second. #bummer

GallifreyNative: #TemporalTues I think I would travel to the 1960's to learn guitar from true talent. I would observe & take notes.

Merleon_C: Traveling to 5098 CE with my wife for cybernetic upgrades. Nothing like 51st century cybernetics. Their classy yet refined. #TemporalTues

somebluenotes: #TemporalTues AMPAS, 1864 - To present a Best Actress nomination to Audrey Hepburn for her role as Eliza Doolittle in My Fair lady.

scablander: I'd go back to August 28, 1940 Kaunas, Lithinia, train station and watch Sugihara throwing visas from the back of a train. #TemporalTues

scablander: Sugihara was Japanese Diplomat who disobeyed orders & saved 6,000 to 10,000 Jews from the Holocaust with hand written visas. #TemporalTues

scablander: Sugihara is a forgotten hero. Visas for Life #TemporalTues

drewt333: #TemporalTues I would travel to the future where my time machine is a valuable antique and trade up.

garbate@Wendell_Howe I'm extremely excited about being enlightened on the subject of Temporal Anthrapology...I'd travel back to 1181 - Cassiopeia.

Wendell_Howe@garbate 1181? I hope you plan to watch the supernova safely from Earth. You do have a time machine today.

JohnnyZito@Wendell_Howe WHEN would you go if you had a time machine? The future. Eff the past, no way to repair a time machine in the Jurassic.

@JohnnyZito Very practical. Against Rules, but you are outside Institute's jurisdiction. Let us know what Future is like. Still have tea?

JohnnyZito@Wendell_Howe I break for time travel. Is there a #fridayparadox yet? There should be.


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