
190th Temporal Tuesday - 26 February

‏@mrrustymonkey: * a phone rings, somewhere in the #TemporalTues twitterverse. the monkey doll braces himself for another shock. *

‏@mrrustymonkey: * a phone rings, somewhere in the #TemporalTues twitterverse. the monkey doll braces himself for another shock. *

‏@mrrustymonkey: * 2013 #TemporalTues. "2013." it evens sounds shocking to his ears. *

‏@mrrustymonkey: * he drops to the floor - his seat on the #TemporalTues time machine * ‏

@mrrustymonkey: Today on this #TemporalTues/ Wed, another soul enters limbo - that place of in between. It's last week, 2013. ‏

@mrrustymonkey: Why did he give up #TemporalTues? Was his life really that tough? Was his relationship just too combative & rough?

‏@mrrustymonkey: #TemporalTues, was there anxiety & stress that he kept deep inside? The cave of depression is a sad place to hide. ‏

@mrrustymonkey: I'm confused #TemporalTues, why a life turned into waste? His decision to end it, no doubt, made in haste. ‏

@mrrustymonkey: He was only 40 #TemporalTues, and with a full life ahead. He had a promising future that seemed free of dread?

@mrrustymonkey: He was gentle & kind - a real #TemporalTues sort of guy. And I never got the chance to tell him goodbye.

@mrrustymonkey: So what's my lesson #TemporalTues - wise thoughts to take away? Hmmm...? Remember to say what you need to say?

@mrrustymonkey: Oh #TemporalTues time machine, "Goodbye Mr. Jeff." It's time to sing... watch video

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