
165th Temporal Tuseday - 28 August

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1845 - Picked up a copy of the first edition of Scientific American. A four-page weekly newspaper, mostly about new patents.

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1845 - One item in Scientific American I did enjoy was about Muzio Muzzi's airship.

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1845 - front page of issue one of Scientific American. View photo

‏@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues I still get a tingle from visiting 28th August 1963 to listen to Martin Luther King Jr. deliver his "I Have a Dream" speech.

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1963 - Interesting article on the "I have a dream" speech: Today in Georgia History

‏@Ultraman_USA: #TemporalTues traveled back to mere months after my birth, to watch the 1st moon landing.



164th Temporal Tuesday - 21 August

‏@Wendell_Howe: It's #TemporalTues http://temporaltues.blogspot.com/ Everyone gets their own time machine today. Where would you go?

@lousmom313: @Wendell_Howe i want a tropical island vacation, and take my best friends with me. @korikatra @theladywrites @ladyrainbow

‏@korikatra: Yes! RT@lousmom313: @Wendell_Howe i want a tropical island vacation & take my best friends with me. @korikatra @theladywrites @ladyrainbow

@theladywrites: @korikatra @lousmom313 @Wendell_Howe @ladyrainbow that sounds fabulous

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1560 - I suggested to young Tycho Brahe that his interest in today's eclipse could make astronomy a worthwhile hobby.

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1560: Young Tycho Brahe was particularly fascinated that solar eclipses can be predicted. Astronomy as a science, wonderful!

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues Wikipedia notes that Tycho's astronomical studies were remarkably accurate and had a significant impact which remains today.

@Kate_Atwood: #TemporalTues At a German #WWII camp holding French POWs, a guard gets the prisoner count wrong. Sgt. Schultz? The Boys of WWII

@Kate_Atwood: #TemporalTues A British POW writes a painfully humorous poem about the most common activity in a German #WWII camp The Boys of WWII



163rd Temporal Tuesday - 14 August

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1248, Cologne, Germany: Attended the start of the construction of Cologne Cathedral. It was finished in 1880, 632 years later.

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1248: If I had told the workers it will take 632 years to finish the Cathedral, they might have been discouraged. Rightly so.

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues Cologne Cathedral construction was in 2 phases: 1248-1473 and 1842-1880. A roof-top crane was abandoned on it for 400 years!

@Kate_Atwood: #TemporalTues A female F-Section SOE agent gives a post-war verbal punch to an overly-politicized Gaullist. #WWII Women Heroes of World War II

@Kate_Atwood: #TemporalTues Leader of a network in occupied France has some fun with a new agent "Expecting a man not a woman" #WWII Women Heroes of World War II

@Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues 2 weeks in the future. Dropped a stolen astro-mech into the Mars rovers path. Can't wait to see everyone's faces.

@Wendell_Howe: It's #TemporalTues http://temporaltues.blogspot.com/ Join @Kate_Atwood & @vonHogflume in ths past with your own time machine.

@Anguche: @Wendell_Howe @Kate_Atwood @vonHogflume Do you have a blueprint for the time machine?

@vonHogflume: @Anguche You don't need a REAL #timemachine to join @Wendell_Howe @Kate_Atwood and I in #TemporalTues - just use your imagination!



162nd Temporal Tuesday - 7 August

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues Struggling to understand how British folk coped with 4 changes of faith in 20 years during the Reformation period from 1549 AD

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues From 1549 AD, change from Roman Catholicism to Church of England to RC again to C of E again. Astonishing!

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1540 AD - I wonder why Reformist protestants so opposed the use of images in Catholic worship. Was it idolatry? Exodus 20:4,5

@Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues Impatient as always, I traveled to early 2013, to see @ChastityBites I won't spoil it 'cept to say pre-order tix ASAP.

@Ultraman_USA: #TemporalTues Ah the 70's and #Godzilla at the drive-in ...



161st Temporal Tuesday - 31 July

@SapphyNo1: cool.... where would u go? “@Wendell_Howe: It's #TemporalTues http://temporaltues.blogspot.com/ Free Time Machines for everyone!”

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues I was in London in 1588 when news came in that the English navy defeated a Spanish armada on its way to attack England.

@Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues June 22nd 1940. Took the Heart of Gold crew to 501 N Chicago St. Joliet, Illinois @DairyQueen To be the very 1st customers.

@scablander: Going back to last Friday to watch Mr. Bean save the Olympic Opening Ceremonies! Rowan Atkinson with the London Philharmonic #TemoralTues
