
141st Temporal Tuesday - 13 March

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues Visited 1781 to advise Sir William Herschel that the "comet" he'd seen is really a planet we now call Uranus.

@vonHogflume: #TemporalTues After much effort "behind the scenes" I finally persuaded the US in 1884 to adopt Standard Time.

@ScotsSmiler: #Timemachine not working Mr @vonHogflume? Why not visit Norfolk in 2012 which is still in the 1970s #TemporalTues #TimeTravelTip

@mrrustymonkey: * suddenly, an old monkey doll pops his head into the #TemporalTues twitterverse & :-) *

@mrrustymonkey: * he's wearing a red bow tie & an old straw hat. he dances, in soft-shoe, onto the #TemporalTues stage *

@mrrustymonkey: * he holds a candy cane in one hand & drags an old #TemporalTues cardboard box behind him with the other *

@mrrustymonkey: * he opens the box, hops in, & then closes his eyes. this is his seat on the #TemporalTues time machine *

@mrrustymonkey: Today on this #TemporalTues, I'm still sitting in a box... but I'm OK? Yes, I'll be fine? It's 1969.

@mrrustymonkey: It's dark #TemporalTues. I wonder what's happening out there? I can hear all kinds of sounds & it doesn't seem fair…

@mrrustymonkey: ...to be packed in this box #TemporalTues, when I want some cuddles & hugs. Instead, I fear the bite of those awful moth bugs!

@mrrustymonkey: What year is it #TemporalTues, did they forget about me? There's still plenty of life left in this monkey, you see!

@mrrustymonkey: Their world is changing #TemporalTues, but mine stands still while I wait. Someday, this box will open…yes, that will be great!

@mrrustymonkey: And I'll pop out of here #TemporalTues, a Jack in box grinning surprise! Will they notice that I'm missing one of my eyes?

@mrrustymonkey: Do I still look good enough #TemporalTues? Oh, go away awful bugs! You see, a moth eaten stuffed animal never gets any hugs.

@mrrustymonkey: * he closes his #TemporalTues eyes again & imagines the vivid, rainbow colors of a carnival ferris wheel… *

@mrrustymonkey: * … his #TemporalTues ears can almost hear the steam whistle, screamer strains of a circus calliope. he smiles. *

@mrrustymonkey: Oh #TemporalTues time machine, while I wait in this box, I might as well sing…. View video

@mrrustymonkey: * he tips his little #TemporalTues straw hat to @WendellHowe & sits there, bouncing around the years with his friend *

@mrrustymonkey: * they talk about who knows what ? & then he scratches his #TemporalTues head, trying hard to remember a once familiar tune *

@mrrustymonkey: * one minute they were there, & the next minute, it'd be 40 years later. he reaches up & puts a coin into the #TemporalTues jukebox & ;-) *

@mrrustymonkey: * Oh #TemporalTues time machine, for a very special friend, will you please sing… View video

@Wendell_A_Howe: @mrrustymonkey Yes, there are days I feel I spend my life bouncing about time like Veronica. *Tips top hat* #TemporalTues

@thisbear: Hurrah! RT @mrrustymonkey: * he holds a candy cane in one hand & drags an old #TemporalTues cardboard box behind him with the other *

@marleyterrier: @mrrustymonkey ello for you Rusty. Long time no see *waves to pal as he flies off on flyin masheen* #TemporalTues

@Wendell_Howe: Taking virtual trip to historic Kamenetz-Podolskcity in Ukraine via @Kyiv3D #TemporalTues Karta3D.com (This is really brilliant!)


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