
126th Temporal Tuesday - 29 November

vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1963 - Listened to "I want to hold your hand" in a record shop in Liverpool. Many excited teenagers there too. #Beatles

vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1775 - Visited Sir James Jay to see his new invention of invisible ink but he could not find it.

Captain_Zaphod: #temporaltues September 5th 1976. Watching the premier episode of The Muppet Show with Lilly.

History_Singers: "Battle Hymn of the Republic" -- The Evolution of an Iconic American Anthem #TemporalTues Your Hit Parade

History_Singers: What did Bo Diddley unleash after being introduced by a confused Ed Sullivan on November 20, 1955? #TemporalTues Your Hit Parade

History_Singers: The singer was tired of the song: Jesse Bartlett Davis and "Oh Promise Me" #TemporalTues @Wendell_Howe Your Hit Parade

History_Singers #TemporalTues Mark Twain was spotted in Baden-Baden thoroughly enjoying an outdoor performance of "Der Fremersberg." Your Hit Parade



125th Temporal Tuesday

Wednesday, 16 November
indykitty: #temporalTues I am a day late and a quid short :D #mol #giggle

mousewords: For my birthday, I wanted to go to the 27th century & get a signed copy of @Wendell_Howe's book: The Rise of Tea in Victorian Great Britain and Its Social Impact #temporaltues

mousewords: But since I have the flu, I didn't want to spread germs to @Wendell_Howe--or reintroduce flu to 27th century society! Altho- #temporaltues

mousewords: -it did cross my mind that 27th century medicine could cure my achy fever in a heartbeat. ;) But I refrained. #temporaltues

mousewords: Now I discover that Professor @Wendell_Howe caught a cold while in the field, anyway.. Wendell's Tweet I wonder... #temporaltues

mousewords: Is there such a thing as an ESP virus? 0_0 #temporaltues

scablander: @mousewords Yes there is an esp virus. I was fine until Wendell caught a cold. A couple of hours later I came down with one! #TemporalTues

mousewords: @scablander I TOTALLY relate to that! I caught a bug from @RustyNorman once! #TemporalTues

scablander: @mousewords Hmm, wonder if they make Zicam or something for writers? #TemporalTues

mousewords: @scablander I bet the prescription would be to write about someone in the peak of health, especially in first-person POV #TemporalTues

Tuesday, 22 November
vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1963, Dallas. Yes, JKF was shot. No, it WASN'T me. It was a Mafia plot.

Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues went forward 3,000,000+ years, grabbed a Talkie the Toaster (patent pending) & left it at Roswell 60 years ago. Good times.

fangarius: In honor of the Muppets, it's going to be a Muppet #TemporalTues!

fangarius: Gonzo wants to go back to 79 AD for his Volcanic Chicken Juggling routine at Vesuvius, but Camilla has reservations. #TemporalTues

fangarius: Miss Piggy wants to be The Doctor's next Companion and travel through all the Universe's fashion eras. #TemporalTues

fangarius: Kermit just wants to travel in T-2 on a random course, except anything Prehistoric. #TemporalTues

fangarius: Statler and Waldorf want to go back to 1908 and heckle Houdini, then 50 BC to razz the Romans as Asterix & The Gauls kick butt #TemporalTues



124th Temporal Tuesday - 15 November

vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1577 - Watched Sir Francis Drake leave Plymouth on the start of his voyage around the world. (He later returned for repairs.)

vonHogflume: #TemporalTues Drake's world "cruise" started properly on 13th December 1577, after storm repairs to his ships from his first attempt.

Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues went & applied at NASA. Wanted to be 1st Shuttle pilot. 2 problems, they don't hire illegal aliens & sobriety is mandatory

ATSMPodcast: #TemporalTuesday - Another @ClassicDW story to recommend, this one upcoming: #TerrorOfTheZygons! One of two... Terror of the Zygons



123rd Temporal Tuesday - 8 November

Wednesday, 2 November
ZAmmi: Quick Question: If you had a time machine and could go anywhere, where/when would you go? #Temporaltues

ZAmmi: @Canageek nice! Why that movie in particular? #Temporaltues @dorfird

mousewords: @zammi 27th century & buy a signed copy of @Wendell_Howe's tea book! To afford it I can sell an antique. Today's paper wld do. #temporaltues

ZAmmi: @mousewords If an unsigned copy costs several million, how much would a signed one cost?! #temporaltues

mousewords: @ZAmmi 0_0 Oh...that's true! I should bring a VHS tape too, just in case. I have quite a few with MacGyver.. #temporaltues

KinkyPi: @ZAmmi I'm not sure, but I think it would end up in a bed. #TemporalTues

KinkyPi: @ZAmmi I'd actually probably go back in time to some non-western civilizations&document their sexual moors before Christianity #temporalTues

KinkyPi: @ZAmmi We have a fair number of accounts of very different behaviour, including at least one good study, #temporaltues

KinkyPi: @ZAmmi but no one would admit to it after the missionaries were done. Free lovin' Samoans? bottom of the page #temporalTues

ZAmmi: @KinkyPi Wow, that was a very interesting read. The journalist is right, it's impossible to tell, in hindsight

KinkyPi: @ZAmmi #tempoarlTuesday I heard about another culture where when European explorers arrived women swam out, pulled them onto the beach and

KinkyPi: @ZAmmi had sex with them --After months at sea the men didn't exactly object. ;) From the Hardcore History podcast #TempoaralTues

ZAmmi: @KinkyPi I have a suspicion adolescent boasting was involved, at least in some part

ZAmmi: @KinkyPi Going back in time to study a culture before outside contact sounds marvellous. #temporalTues

KinkyPi: @ZAmmi You wouldn't, but if you timed it to be JUST after contact you could get them before too tainted.

KinkyPi: @ZAmmi Or do it *way* before, like 200 years. You'd get cultural drift, but one person would vanish in an oral culture.

ZAmmi: @KinkyPi Interesting thought about oral culture.We often find oral cultures have longer folk memories than written ones. Did you know [cont]

ZAmmi: @KinkyPi ...that nomads in the Arabian peninsula can still name and correctly indicate the position of mountains that have been underwater--

ZAmmi: @KinkyPi since the last glacial maximum? There are many examples like that. We have shorter memories bc we don't use them in the same way

KinkyPi: @ZAmmi #TemporalTues True, probably because you can't prove that.

ZAmmi: @KinkyPi Actually not true.That's a post-writing culture misconception.Performers of Oral histories prided themselves in unswerving accuracy

ZAmmi: @KinkyPi Things are lost, yes, when invasion or epidemic or any number of factors hindered passing down the stories

ZAmmi: @KinkyPi but the bards and trained storytellers in particular were careful to the point of paranoia about accuracy.

KinkyPi: @ZAmmi I'm sure ONE of those civilizations has the reported open sexual moors. One vasectomy, pick a point in time they wouldn't remember

KinkyPi: @ZAmmi Or at least, arrive in such a way so no signification attached- say in a storm tossed local ship. Step X: Lots of fun. #TemporalTues

KinkyPi: @ZAmmi Anyway, We can't tell which of those is right- so we get a time machine and have some fun.

KinkyPi: @Zammi We should invite that Victorian gentlemen, @Wendell_Howe to come with us: He looks like he needs his ashes raked #TemporalTues

KinkyPi: @ZAmmi Can't it be both? You do so much better work when you are also having fun. #TemporalTues

KinkyPi: @ZAmmi Find a job you love and you never have to work a day in your life #TemporalTues

Tuesday, 8 November
Wendell_Howe: It's #TemporalTues http://temporaltues.blogspot.com/ I'm trying to find Penny Lane.

FamilyTreeUK: @wendell_howe avoid the Barber - he'll show you his photo collection and that'll keep you there for what feels like years #pennylane

TMDWP: @Wendell_Howe It's one of several roads leading off a roundabout if that helps. There's a shelter in the middle of it. #pennylane

vonHogflume: #TemporalTues - I had to leave 1974 in rather a hurry as I was mistaken for Lord Lucan. It seems my "accent doesn't fool anyone".

shinyemptyhead: For #TemporalTues, let's go a-conquering. RT @qikipedia: In the 12th century, the Danish army consisted of only seven men


122nd Temporal Tuesday - 1 November

Wednesday, 26 October
puelladocta: @Wendell_Howe How on earth have you been?! I feel like I've fallen off the earth, but your tweet about #TemporalTues got me all nostalgic

puelladocta: I really need to do #TemporalTues again, but I always forget :P

Tuesday, 1 November
vonHogflume: #TemporalTues Visited Rome in 1512 to see the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel when it was first exhibited to the public. Quite a crowd!

vonHogflume: #TemporalTues The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is beautiful. It was painted between 1508 and 1512 by Michelangelo.

thinkinitalics: I'm @ Fyrisvallen in Uppsala, Sweden in 950. I am wounded by Styrbjörn Starke. With my last strength, I write this tweet. #TemporalTues

_YourStoryCoachYour Story Coach
@Wendell_Howe Heading back to 1660 to watch Peg Hughes play Desdemona: Random Biographies #TemporalTues

Wendell_A_Howe: @_YourStoryCoach I must say, I have to agree with Charles II on this one. #TemporalTues

Wendell_Howe:A #TemporalTues Tune: An ancient love song to Liverpool Ferry Across the Mersey

ATSMPodcast: #TemporalTuesday - Time to recommend a @ClassicDW story! #GenesisOfTheDaleks was a childhood favorite, as much... Genesis of the Daleks

ATSMPodcast: #TemporalTuesday - Another @ClassicDW story to recommend, this one upcoming: #TerrorOfTheZygons! One of two... Terror of the Zygons

ATSMPodcast: #TemporalTuesday - From @ClassicDW's #NewBeginnings boxed set, #Logopolis mixes high-concept sci-fi with a... Logopolis

Wednesday, 2 November
Captain_Zaphod: I know, I'm a little late for #TemporalTues but I lost track of time in 2658 at the Time Stream Pub across the street from the Institute.

Wendell_A_Howe: @Captain_Zaphod Tell Frank "hello" for me. Best barkeep in the world. =):{ #TemporalTues
