
72nd Temporal Tuesday - 16 November

Thursday, 11 November

vonHogflume: I have just been to 1812 to hear if the overture does sound like the battle. It doesn't. And I find today isn't #TemporalTues either.

Saturday, 13 November

Captain_Zaphod: #temporaltuesday March 18, 1852 made a small deposit with Wells, Fargo & Co. The interest should cover any future bail needs.

Tuesday, 16 November

OllyTed: @pasikas ohhh #temporaltuesday sownds beary teknikal - shall i luk fur moonin physiks buk?

mrrustymonkey: * the old monkey dolls pops his head into the twitterverse, looking for the #TemporalTues time machine *

mrrustymonkey: * he finds his #TemporalTues seat. tears open a bag of peanuts & carefully pours them into a frosty, glass bottle Coke & takes a swallow *

mrrustymonkey: * then he closes his eyes on this #TemporalTues & ... *

mrrustymonkey: Today on this #TemporalTues, we're about to stop @ an old, country store. It's 1974.

mrrustymonkey: We're heading "down home" #TemporalTues, all excited to see... Grandmother & our family!

mrrustymonkey: But on the way #TemporalTues, we'll make a quick stop... at a fruit stand / gas pump / mom & pop.

mrrustymonkey: A sweet place #TemporalTues, of times long past. Oh, I wish I could make this scene last & last!

mrrustymonkey: It smells like cantaloupes #TemporalTues, & fried pork rinds. There are "country store" treats of every kind!

mrrustymonkey: But we choose "Coke & peanuts" #TemporalTues, which might sound absurd? "Coke & peanuts" is a book in 3 little words.

mrrustymonkey: A Southern thing #TemporalTues, & an odd sort of bond - a glue of our childhood memories, fond.

mrrustymonkey: So thank you #TemporalTues, for opening this door - a vignette of our past, that old country store.

mrrustymonkey: Oh #TemporalTues time machine, I pour peanuts in my Coke & sing...Take Me Home,Country Roads

Moogie55: @mrrustymonkey How beautiful :o) I love your #TemporalTues stories. Sending you lots of love from a wild & windy Wales *HUGS* xx

vonHogflume: For #TemporalTuesday I went to 16 November 1665, to buy a copy of the first edition of The London Gazette. It was sold out!

Wendell_Howe: 2657 Cambridge - I'll be in my office most of the day catching up. Pity I can't use #TemporalTues to steal a couple of days.

Cookiemouse: #TemporalTues I'm off to 1938 to try the very first LSD synthesized today - Love + Peace! Albert Hoffman

Cookiemouse: #TemporalTues Albert Hoffmann, LSD and human consciousness - 16 November 1938 Albert Hoffman and impact of LSD on Collective Consciousnes

Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues Later on at Hobbs End. Prof Bernard Quatermass watches as a sealed chamber at the end of a missile is drilled open.

Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues The hole widens to reveal the contents of the sealed chamber: Breen doesn't find his warhead. Instead

Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues He finds me playing Texas hold 'em w/ some Martians (three-legged-insectoid-creatures w/ horned heads). They were surprised.

Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues Earlier this day...11/16/1973 - Watched Skylab 3 w/ a crew of 3 leave Cape Canaveral on an 84-day mission.

Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues Told Lilly I wasn't impressed since the Enterprise started it's 5 year mission 9/8/1966 with a crew of 430.

scablander Going back to learn to write with the Hieroglyphics ABC song. Horrible Histories (Boy, this simplifies things.) #TemporalTues


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