
60th Temporal Tuesday - 25 August

@NoeticSpark: did I miss it? #temporaltues. Did I? If my heart and mind match stating "no", then no. I didn't miss a thing from all angels/angles.

@Scablander: This #TemporalTues I am going back to hear the inspiring words of that great sage, Harpo Marx. Harpo Speaks

@mrrustymonkey:* stumbles around the back room of twitter, looking for that special "Tuesday" contraption - the #TemporalTues time machine.

@mrrustymonkey: Today on this #TemporalTues, we're just happy to be alive. It's 1995.

@mrrustymonkey: #TemporalTues, it's 3 am & we're lonely & blue... as we sit here & wait in the CCU.

@mrrustymonkey: We're scared #TemporalTues, like never before! We have no idea what's in store?

@mrrustymonkey: It's daddy's 1st heart attack #TemporalTues, & we're all alone... except for the waiting room telephone.

@mrrustymonkey: #TemporalTues, we've made a decision on this very night. If we all live through this, we'll change this life!

@mrrustymonkey: We'll slow things down #TemporalTues, & stop working so much. We'll retire & enjoy a new home & such.

@mrrustymonkey: Oh #TemporalTues time machine, tonight, 3 little angels sing...Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls

@RyanosaurusRex: I quite liked that 50s ice cream parlour I visited a few weeks ago. Excuse me while I go back. #TemporalTues

@Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues 8/2009 Guinness Records says winning Worst Dressed Sentient Being in the Known Universe 7x not enough thx to Ppl of Walmart.

@The_Hoopy_Frood: @Tarpo Or maybe it's #TemporalTues and we've flashed forward to #FF O_O

@Tarpo: @euphoriafish @The_Hoopy_Frood Obviously the #TemporalTues rift is causing letters to go missing

@The_Hoopy_Frood: @euphoriafish @Tarpo XD! *shakes fist* Darn you #TemporalTues and your gender bending agenda!

@Wendell_Howe: It's #TemporalTues still. I would like to meet triumphant General Jackson after Battle of New Orleans & tell him his victory means nothing.

@Wendell_Howe: ...The treaty was already signed, so you just wasted everyone's time. Erm, Jackson would probably have me shot as British spy. #TemporalTues


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