
54th Temporal Tuesday - 13 July

@Cookiemouse: Vajrayogini scroll delivered by time machine #temporaltues Vajrayogini for breakfast and a postcard-deli

@SarayuJones: #temporaltues Sarayu Jones returns to the source the evil daemon Sarayu Jones returns to the source

@scablander: Evolution of late 20th century music in 90 seconds by Josie & the Pussycats. Musical Evolution #TemporalTues

@Wendell_Howe: It's #TemporalTues http://temporaltues.blogspot.com/ Do a little time travel without a license. (I won't report you to the Enforcers.)

@mrrustymonkey: O.K. @Wendell_Howe, you're right. It's time to take the #TemporalTues time machine. * scratches his head & thinks before taking the ride *

@mrrustymonkey: Today on this #TemporalTues, we open our eyes & cry, "We're alive!" It's 1945.

@mrrustymonkey: #TemporalTues, there we are sleeping in daddy's crib. Later, we'll enjoy our bottle with bib.

@mrrustymonkey: #TemporalTues, those were comfort times when we just slept & ate - with nothing stressful at all on our plate!

@mrrustymonkey: We were born #TemporalTues, to the greatest generation! Grandmother & grandaddy (up in heaven) knew - Uncle Paul & now Aunt Estelle too! ;-)

@mrrustymonkey: #TemporalTues, I'm just saying that these were simpler times for all, & I really don't mean to stall...

@mrrustymonkey: ...but I like it here #TemporalTues. I'd just rather stay, & take my trip back to "now" another day?

@mrrustymonkey: Oh #TemporalTues time machine, I'd better accentuate the positive & sing! Accentuate the Positive

@familytreeuk: Travelled back to 2010AD England - that was such a turbulent year - weather, politics, economy, environment. YUCK #temporaltues

@ontheblob: Traveled back 5 minutes just to show willing. #temporaltues

@Esgaroth: #TemporalTues Stuck in the Pleistocene...

@ladyrainbow: @Wendell_Howe 1946: The Philippines gain independence w/its first elected president. #TemporalTues

@dannyson1: #TemporalTues *rides in the back of a Triceratops *

@Wendell_Howe: Pity the Vienna Vegetable Orchestra isn't around in 1892. I would love to see them. video website #TemporalTues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman *covers your eyes* *sings gently into your ear* Come with me; and you'll be in a world of pure imagination... #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @Zammi are we goin to disneyland?? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman No peeking! *checks blindfold* Putcha foot there, that's right! Aand UP! Ok now sit down. ...*hurried whispering* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @ZAmmi ::wobbles:: it's not my birthday...so it's a surprise unbirthday party? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman ok! *Whisperwhisperwhisper* No, you can't push the..*Loud* Right! @WildFeather @CassieBarrister you girls ready?! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman Hehe.. uh.. wait an' see honey. *looks at watch* @CassieBarrister, did that mouse lady say she was coming? #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister: @ZAmmi *looks over shoulder* I think she- oh, there she comes! late, @mousewords? ;) #temporaltues

@mousewords: @CassieBarrister *puff puff* I had a little matter of a cliff to deal with! @ZAmmi #temporaltues

@wildfeather: Oh. My. Goodness. There is SOLITTLEROOMINTHISTHING! Ooo! @RustyNorman!!! *tacklehugs* #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @CassieBarrister *casual nod* *tugs up parka collar* hey. #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @ZAmmi -_-? ::listens:: so wait, we got zam an cass an wild AND mouse? o man I'm in troubl #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords are you sure *mouths* '@Wendell_Howe' doesn't mind us borrowing his, uh.. Vehicle? I mean, out-of-hours. *wink* #temporaltues

@mousewords: @zammi *whispers* I have it on very good authority that wendell allows #temporaltues excursions *any* time--cuz..it's time travel!

@Wendell_Howe: @ZAmmi @mousewords Erm, my ears are burning. Is someone talking about me?

@ZAmmi: @Wendell_Howe *puts fingers to lips* Just.. er.. taking the ol girl out for a spin ;)

@mousewords: @Wendell_A_Howe We're okay, since we're going *to* a Tuesday ;-)

@Wendell_Howe: @ZAmmi I'll pretend I didn't see that. Not allowed to loan Institute’s machine out, but as long as it's back by Wednesday, I'll never know =);{

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman you are an honorary member of that fabled institution that is a Girls' Day Out™. Be grateful #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi @RustyNorman shouldn't he be wearing a dress then? *snicker* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords shhhh!! *casts nervous glance at @RustyNorman* ok, that's good to know #temporaltues

@wildfeather: RT @ZAmmi: @RustyNorman you are an honorary member of that fabled institution that is a Girls' Day Out™. Be grateful #temporaltues

@wildfeather: RT @wildfeather: @ZAmmi @RustyNorman shouldn't he be wearing a dress then? *snicker* #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister *grins @ @wildfeather* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::uses blind ninja skillz to tickle @wildfeather:: #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman AAAAAGH! #temporaltues

@wildfeather: RT @CassieBarrister: *grins @ @wildfeather* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @CassieBarrister @mousewords Are we all ready? #temporaltues

@mousewords: *squeezes into standing room between @wildfeather & @zammi* Quite cramped for a..um..mode of transportation. #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman *threatens you with katana* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather Put. That. AWAY. #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi *sticks tongue out at you* I need to go to da baffroom. #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister: @zammi *wiggles away from katana* I'm ready! @wildfeather #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather You can wait. *whispers* @CassieBarrister you know she's harmless really ;) *reassuring hug* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::tips head side to side trying to identify surroundings:: this worked better for obiwan. #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather You can wait. *whispers to @CassieBarrister* you know she's harmless really ;) *reassuring hug* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @zammi do I get 20 questions? It ain't--wait, isit cass's closet? #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi I heard dat! *takes umbrage at bein called 'harmless'* *narrows ninja eyes* So. Where are we goin? #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister @ZAmmi oh, I know. it's the *sword I'm worried about. ;) @Rustynorman 0_0 when've u been in my closet? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman yes. We're gonna put you in a dress,and put makeup on you *pecks cheek* ;) What's your favorite non-disney movie? #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @ZAmmi ::grins:: long as it's your makeup ;] uhh..army o darkness! #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @ZAmmi or like animated, that'd be ice age. Good cinema. #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman Uhm *whispers @mousewords* change of plan? medieval? Or..? *scratches out Evil Dead III from list* zombies? bleck #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords maybe not... #temporaltues

@mousewords: @zammi o_0 *whispers* Um..let's just stick with Plan A. He'll adjust. #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman @ZAmmi I NEEDA GO TO DA BAFFROOOOOOMMMM! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman say that again Rusty I didn't quite hear you *conspiratorial wink at others* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @wildfeather no whinin, or i swear, i'll turn this closet right around an we don't go to disneyland! #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @ZAmmi i said, 'slong as it's /your/ makeup ::eyebrow waggle under blindfold:: * oh. wait, what? uh..ice age! #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman *strokes hilt of katana* *grumblegrumble* Oh boy are yu in for a surprise *sulk* #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *pounces on button* MIYAZAKI! *slams down button* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather wait..what? NO! That was not the plan!! #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi too late now ^_^ *settles back in seat listening to gentle motion of the time machine* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: *nods* this's gotta be cass's closet, cuz i can hear her wash machine in the room next over. #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister: *grips smooth wall nervously as time machine hums* @RustyNorman WHEN have you been in my closet?!? #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @CassieBarrister who says i've been in your closet? #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister @RustyNorman But...*facepalm* never mind. #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *uncomfortable twitchy-Sigh* How long have we bin in dis ti-- I mean *glances at @RustyNorman* this uh.. closet? *wince* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather Well.. we're travelling a long way, in both senses - maybe it takes *tries not to snicker* time? #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi *Rolls eyes at you* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @wildfeather ::shrugs:: i'm not complainin [itches blindfold, cuddles arms closer around @Zammi] #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *Peeps out from under @RustyNorman* *shivers violently* *rubs hand on frosted glass* *squints* I think we might be here.. #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi Fiiiiiinnally :-P ::gets up, bounces on spot to get rid of pins n needles:: *bursts out of da door* #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister *nods, wakes up from snooze* *pulls poncho closer around shoulders* brr! where are we, South pole? #temporaltues

@wildfeather: ::stands staring at sweeping expanse of whiteness:: *gape* Dere's nuffin 'ere! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *Shuffles coated-up @RustyNorman out the door* If you want to view Paradise,simply look around & view it *whips off blindfold* #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi Where's all da PEOPLE? Where's da freakin sushi bar?? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather *sigh* *bats away buzzing flyfeather* *turns to @RustyNorman* Well? #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::squints at gleaming whiteness & cold snap on face:: @ZAmmi uhhh..did u guys somehow get us ta heaven? o_0 #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman *giggles &shuffles you round to look down the cliff at the vast conifer forest below,dusted with ice* guess again #temporaltues

@wildfeather @ZAmmi :-O ::frown:: #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @ZAmmi [beams, throws arms wide] gorgeous! ya took us ta the north pole! where's the flyin reindeer?? #temporaltues #reallyhasnoclue

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman *shuffles you round again* *points to @Wendell_Howe's time machine disguised as a.. er.. wolly mammoth* o_0 #temporaltues

@mousewords: *standing knee-deep in snow* o_0 Is that a Bantha? @ZAmmi #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi ::Yanks repeatedly on your sleeve with grumpy-pout on face:: Why's dere nuffin here?!! #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @ZAmmi ::considers woolly mammoth:: oh, that esplains everything. 0_o #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather *Exasperated* Wild. It's the freakin Ice Age. Japan was virtually uninhabited in this period. Anyone who IS here, #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather is probably a thousand miles away following the herds. YOU picked Japan, I was headed for the Mediterranean! #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi ::opens mouth:: *shuts mouth* ::opens mouth:: *shuts mouth* *pout* I wanted some sushi. #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman If he.. er, IT had a name, what would it be? Manny perhaps? *nudges you* #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister *Looks around* this is like super cool! well, cold. but it's better FX than Disneyland! :D #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @ZAmmi d'aaaawwww!so it's not like disnelyand it's like ice age land? ::peers @ emptiness:: we're like..um..t first customers? #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister @Rustynorman I wonder if they have a bobsled ride? :D #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::nudges @Zammi:: [whispers] uhh..it IS a theme park...right? o_0 #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman *whispers* no, Rusty, it's not a theme park. #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi ::Yanks ur arm a lil harder:: Not so empty neither! *points at distant spear-waving figures* fort u said it was Japan! #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi dey don't look Japanese.. ::tilts head:: dey just look angry #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather 0_0 *slaps forehead* I think they want our woolly mammoth! @Wendell_Howe'll kill us if they spear his timemachine #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @WildFeather @RustyNorman @mousewords @CassieBarrister EVERYBODY INSIDE! *ducks flying spear* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @ZAmmi O_O wendell?? time machine?? holy carp! ::dodges spear:: dude, what year are we in?? #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister *amused* ha ha you guys! huh, those character actors are pretty realistic *shivers standing in snow* #temporaltues

@wildfeather @ZAmmi Stormin Nora! *yips at low flying spear* ::Pulls out katana:: Dontchoo guys worry, I'll handle it #temporaltues

@mousewords: *grabs @CassieBarrister by collar & dives in Time Machine* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman I'm not ezaktly sur-- @WildFeather PUT THAT AWAY! *pounces on Wild before she's got the sword out the sheath* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @Wildfeather *talks veryvery fast* you can't let them see that, you could alter their cultural development by 1000s of years!! #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi Oi!! #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi I was only gonna deflect da spears wiv it! Stupid weird not-like-japanese japanese people #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @Wildfeather they'reNotJapaneseThey'reAboriginals *still talking very fast* *shoves you inside after @CassieBarrister & mouse* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: [scuttles @ZAmmi in after the others] yeah, cool, ok, tell us when we're on the road, sweets! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman *pecks your cheek* it's the Ice Age,honey,you wanted to see the Ice Age? *glances over shoulder at hunting party* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @ZAmmi ::huge grin:: honey, ya spoil me! XD #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: I think we're on their territory..They..must think we're commandeering their foodsupply. *hesitates* Maybe I could communicate #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *Archaeological urge esploding**Research Opportunity writ large on face* *lunges to get out the door of the timemachine again* #temporaltues

@mousewords: @ZAmmi ACK! No! *swipes to grab your jacket* #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi Grabs you by the the collar & pulls you back in the time machine #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@mousewords @ZAmmi Didn't see me hiding over here in the corner, did you? Someone has to keep you on the up & up. #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *Pats @MeriLizzie*Nice one. Good thing we brought a driver! *Stares at big timetravel button* not that we needed one precisely #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@wildfeather Well *someone* has to remind @ZAmmi to not mess with the butterflies! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *Gurks as @MeriLizzie yanks her back* OK! OK! I'llbegood! *tugs collar* *settles in seat peeps wistfully out window* Now what? #Temporaltues

@wildfeather: @MeriLizzie butterflies...tidal wave.. right? ^_^ I watched dat movie #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@wildfeather Not that @ZAmmi has ever done anything like that bfore. *whisper to @mousewords& remember the ...?? #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi Somewhere wiv sushi!! #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::wipes forehead:: ::nervously cuddles arms around @ZAmmi:: what year'd disneyland open? we kin go there... o_0 #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@wildfeather Based on a true story *glares @ZAmmi* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie *gasps* Who me?! As if I'd ever... #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi Ahuh, don't play innocent with me. I *did* bring the leash just in case! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman Hmm..what about somethin a little more local? *Feels a bit weird addressing a timemachine* Can you take us, say.. #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman 10,000 years into the future? From this time period? Same place *hits big timetravel button* #temporaltues

@mousewords: @MeriLizzie *hides grin* Oh, yes, I remember... @wildfeather @ZAmmi #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie *looks a bit nervous* *ducks behind @RustyNorman & peers at you* #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi will dey have sushi? #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@mousewords @wildfeather @ZAmmi ^^raises hand^^ Huh guys? Does this thing have a bathroom? *starts dancing* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather *facepalm* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @MeriLizzie >_< not you too! @wildfeather #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: S'ok we've arrived now, I'm sure the village'll have toileting facilities *grins &murmurs @RustyNorman* of some sort,anyway ;) #temporaltues

@wildfeather: Kthx! *charges out past @ZAmmi & crashes into bamboo thicket* OOF! *scrambles up, spies village in distance**legs it downhill* #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *Sees young boy with back to me herding wild boar* Kon'nichiwa! Koko de sushi resutorandesu ka? *Boy turns in surprise* Dude! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @Wildfeather Wild! It.. *Sigh* Better go after her.. *nudges dozing @mousewords* before it requires damage control #temporaltues

@wildfeather: You're not Japanese either! *Boy tilts his head, not understanding a word* @ZAmmi! I thort dis was Japan! What's goin on?! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *trots up behind @wildfeather a little out of breath* He's Ainu..or..something like. Indigenous people..here before..Japanese #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather *grabs you by collar* look, we've gotta be careful. We may be their first non-indigenous contact, outside traders #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather ..may not have reached this far *thinks* Actually we better had pretend we're traders.. From Siberia or somewhere #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *hops from one foot to another,not really paying attention* @ZAmmi mmhm, kay, yeah, so..where's my sushi? And where's da LOO? #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *breaks free of @ZAmmi and bursts out through the trees into the village, grabbing passersby* Toire wa doko? TOIRE WA DOKO? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather Wild! No, don't..they.. RrrRRGH! *rubs hand over face* @RustyNorman a lil help? #temporaltues

@wildfeather: Toire wa..*spins* @ZAmmi would 1 of ur "Japanese" *sarcastically actions quotes* ppl like to tell me WHERE THE FREAKIN BOG IS? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *snerks* Erm, @wildfeather? *points at huge midden pile of seashells & foodwaste outside the village perimeter* Over there? #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::ambles up:: @ZAmmi wow, histry really comes to life out here ;] @wildfeather #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman @ZAmmi :-o *horrified gaping* ::jigs:: *Careens towards midden* OkfinebutdonttellanyonebackhomeIdidthis, k? #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @wildfeather ::grins:: Wild, haven't y'ever been campin? what's the big deal? #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @Zammi baby, if we're traders, what are we tradin? all's i got that i can see is a mess o' women, an i'm NOT tradin THAT. #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman hrmm.. you have a point.. *links arms with @CassieBarrister* *contemplates trading @RustyNorman, decides not* ;) #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman *ponders* I'm stumped... Can't really trade anything WE have that wouldn't signify an advancement to them. #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: Oh! That reminds me,@CassieBarrister @mousewords @MeriLizzie put away your jewelry ladies.Anythin metal's gotta be outta sight #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister @ZAmmi *points at @RustyNorman* we can trade his muscle! he can do freelance carpentry! lol #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: Hmmm.. let's see.. Jade, amber, shell, obsidian..asphalt.. *scratches head* SALT! Do we have any salt? or.. anything /salty?/ #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister *looks around at straw-thatched roofs between the trees* this is awesome, are we like in 1 of those event things at Knott's? #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *comes trailin back up da hill peerin over shoulder* 0_0 even da dogs are pottytrained ere!@RustyNorman erm we had portapottys #temporaltues

@mousewords: @ZAmmi *rummages in satchel* I have salted nuts...a bag of trail mix...raisins... #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @CassieBarrister That's actually a v good point! We all have skills we can offer. *rubs hands* always wanted to try freediving #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie @CassieBarrister ok guys, we're in the Jomon period. It's a mesolithic culture, -that means they're stone age, #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie @CassieBarrister they don't know anything about metal, or farming -so no rice yet, so no sushi, sorry @wildfeather #temporaltues

@mousewords: We're time traveling today, courtesy of @Wendell_Howe: #TemporalTues It's Temporal Tuesday! Borrow a time machine & tweet your adventure!

@ZAmmi: @mousewords ohh they'll love those! They're big on nuts, and wild grapes are a rare treat, so raisins should go down well! #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: [tucks wristwatch in pocket, pulls sweater over belt buckle] maybe i can teach em how to knit. OH WAIT, i can't knit. #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @ZAmmi whaaat?! *sulks* #TemporalTues

@mousewords: RT @MeriLizzie: @ZAmmi @CassieBarrister @mousewords I don't wear jewelry, not even a wedding band, so I'm safe! #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *Gets bored of old ppl chin-waggin,trundles off in2 village peerin at weird thatched huts like onions stuck half outa da soil* #temporaltues

@wildfeather: I'll teach em how to make sushi. Dat's MY skill tradin *yips at strange puff of smoke hitting legs.Bends down.Looks in tunnel* #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister *follows* @wildfeather I'm starved! can we find like a kettlecorn stand or something? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie @CassieBarrister they DO have pottery,some of the earliest in existance.Possibly THE earli-- hey! Where you going? #TemporalTues

@RustyNorman: [falsetto voice] "he can do freelance carpentry!" that's what i get for puttin her ikea stuff together for her. ::rolls eyes:: #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *lifts up head, all soot-blackened, blinkin in the sunlight* @CassieBarrister coo! They has all sortsa fish hangin in there..! #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi @CassieBarrister Sewing? Needle made out of bird leg? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather @CassieBarrister they're smoking fish, and..*sees slender tall woman w/ many shell bangles approaching* nevermind #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie it's worth a try! Tho how we communicate with no idea what language they'll be speaking..? Gonna be fun findin out #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi hand signs? Basic I mean #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *bows low at approaching lady**drags @RustyNorman into bow too*She's one of the high status women,must want to know who we are #temporaltues

@mousewords: @MeriLizzie I can do pottery! Or--maybe then @Zammi will turn up an original mousewords at a 21st c. dig.. #temporaltues

@wildfeather: ROFL She tied strings round her trousers! XD like bicycle clips! An' o_0 how'd she get em bangles on?Deys smaller than er fist #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::wiggles a wave @ lady:: klaatu...barada...nikto, dude @ZAmmi #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: An original @mousewords,eh?*strokes imaginary beard appreciatively* circa 5000 y/a It was her Jomon period,like Picasso's blue #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords only more.. primitive ;) @MeriLizzie *nudges u forward*have a go!Tell her we come in peace & take us to her leader #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather I don't thing she ever took them off.. since she put them on- as a kid. #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *nervously sidles up to @RustyNorman away from scarylady* #temporaltues

@mousewords: @ZAmmi Jomon period, LOL XD ...Hey...that's actually a cool idea..*makes mental note* #TemporalTues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi *glares at you sideways* Why me *whispered under breathe* @mousewords #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie *hisses* it was your idea! #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi ^approaches lady^ Hi *waves hand* Lady jumps back Uhm?#temporaltues

@wildfeather: *skirts round to >behind
@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie 0_0 *tugs collar nervously* *pushes @mousewords forward* give her your nuts! #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:*gestures with village leader* Uhm.... guys? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie yeeeess?? *whispers* is it working? #temporaltues

@mousewords: *quickly rummages in satchel & gets mixed nut packets* Oh..drat.. *opens packets & offers nuts on palm* *weak smile* #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *tugs @CassieBarrister's poncho &points at cute guys at other end of village lookin like they're gettin ready to go someplace* #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi Weeelllll yes & no. She likes the nuts & wants more. #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @CassieBarrister *Conspiratorial eyebrow-wagging* *"c'mon" head-tilt* ::winks:: *tootles off to say 'Hi.'* #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister @wildfeather *perks up* ooo! hunky! are they doing a martial arts show? they've got like spears & stuff. Cool! Let's go see! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie no more freebies, we'll look like bad traders.. tell her we want something in return? wait, what's the bad news? #temporaltues

@mousewords: @MeriLizzie @Zammi Well..I brought enough snacks for 5 ppl for 2 days, so we can at least look like we're trading.(I overpack) #TemporalTues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi Oh nothing to bad *mumbles under breathe* somethingsomethingshethinkswe'respiritssomethingsomething #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::swipes a cashew from @mousewords hand:: [noms] mebbe we can trade for our supper? @Zammi #temporaltues

@wildfeather: Hi,I'm Wild, I'm gorgeous.This is @CassieBarrister, she's..*looks at you* kinda cute too..Can we come with? *makes walky sign* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie pirates..traders..What's the difference? heh.*leans over &whispers @RustyNorman*Be prepared to make a run for it.. #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi @RustyNorman Maybe, just maybe, we should try dressing like the locals before landing? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie *rubs back of neck awkwardly* yeeaah.. About that.. We didn't exactly know HOW the locals dressed until we landed #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @merilizzie call it a er..blip..in the archaeological record.*nervous grin*We only know what we dig up*tilts IndianaJones hat* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @ZAmmi ::whispers back:: honey, i'm ALWAYS prepared to make a run for it. #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi Well, I think *looks at group* cowboy boots and poncho's would be a definite no? Yes? #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @CassieBarrister he likes you. *coy shoulder-bump* *flashes alluring grin at different guy* *strolls down hill with them* #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@RustyNorman Better run after @wildfeather cause she's going after the local meat #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister @wildfeather Eep! 0_0; *blushes* *fidgets with bangs* wait for me! *follows Wild* #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@RustyNorman and there goes @CassieBarrister #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @merilizzie And...weird tied up hemp kimono thing, is so easy to get hold of in SoCal. :P *pauses* actually, it probably is #temporaltues

@mousewords: @ZAmmi @merilizzie Well-we're obviously from Elsewhere, so that explains odd dress. All we have to do is not lose anything! :) #TemporalTues

@wildfeather: *giggles*dey has side-pigtails just like me! §^_^§ *bounces as men point at canoes on shoreline* We'r goin fishin! Yay sushi #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @MeriLizzie whu-? [sees cassie] crap! her cuz'll kill me if i let her elope in the stone age!! ::takes off @ run:: #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @Zammi ::wave over shoulder:: bbl, baby! #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister @wildfeather *laughs* just like the canoes @ Disneyland! you have to paddle them & everything, cool! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman well you're a real boyscout then aintcha. *grins & thinks of earlier adventures, glancing up at you* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman *swipe* wait for... Does this mean I'm on Posh-bangle-lady sitting duty til you guys get back from fishing? :( #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *makes fish-swimming sign at village leaders, smiling as much as possible* *points after the others* #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @CassieBarrister well? come on, get in! *clambers into canoe after cute guy* *wobbles a bit on ocean swell* Somuchfunalready! #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi @RustyNorman I'm right here with you. Posh lady wants to check out my beadwork on my carry bag #temporaltues

@mousewords: @Zammi *hugs arm round your shoulders* I'll stick with you! I've got the trading-shop-in-a-bag, anyway. #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie Nice one! Wait.. your carry bag doesn't have any metal on it does it? zipper? poppers? :-/ #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi Nope... fully hand stitched with loop & wood piece holder #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords but..I..wanted..to.. *glances over shoulder down hill* *archaeologist pining* Ohhhk fine. Jomon pottery's fun too #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister @wildfeather *grins & steps into canoe after you* *totters, sits* last time I took this ride my arms ached for days! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: Girl wi strange painted patterns on her face &a jacket &waistcloth approaches w magnificent a flameware bowl filled w cookies #temporaltues

@mousewords: @MeriLizzie @ZAmmi *smooths leather* Mine's all IndyJonesy. Got a magnet clasp, but it's stitched in..I just won't demonstrate #TemporalTues

@wildfeather: *Gets handed paddle* Guess we have to work for our fun huh Cass? *begins paddling out of the bay into the open ocean* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords @MeriLizzie chestnut cookies anyone?Made with ground chestnuts and-- well, you probably don't wanna know what else #temporaltues

@mousewords: @ZAmmi @MeriLizzie *selects cookie w thank-u smile @ girl* I watch my sis make cookies, it can't be worse than that. ;-) #TemporalTues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords @MeriLizzie it involves..well..nah u probably definitely dont wanna know *takes bite* mmm! Nice. Be polite,take 1! #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi @mousewords Take bites... uhm... yummy? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords yeh..hold on to that thought >_> *hums innocently*Look at the bowl tho!Highly decorated rim made to look like fire #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords @MeriLizzie I wonder if they'll let us barter for one? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie you're not.. you're not jewish are you? *winces seeing you bite into cookie* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::runs splashing into the surf, wavin arms:: hey!! @wildfeather @cassiebarrister!! waitup! #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *hums* 'a life on the ocean wave' *pretends she can't hear @RustyNorman yelling over the surf* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::looks round @ other guys in second boat:: hey, c'n i hitch a ride? yknow, :points at self, at boat:: ride? #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi No.... why do you ask? #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister *squints over shoulder at @RustyNorman* aw, poor Russ, he missed the boat. :) *shouts back* CAN U GO BUY ME A SODA? #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *Squeals a bit as man at front stands up and yells, rocking the boat,he pointing at a whale spout in the distance* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::grips hair:: the freakin frakkin crazy nutballin...! [fishermen discuss something, look @ him skeptically, hand him oar] #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie well..*awkwardly* they don't have any milk so as a binding agent they use... wild pig blood *ducks* #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi **cough** *cough* Excuse you? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *Nods politely at lady pointing out pits where they soak nuts to get rid of the tannin & make them more palatable**stifleyawn* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie mmm! Tasty! *shoves another cookie in your mouth.Embarrassed, turns to study stone-polishing group by the hearth* #temporaltues

@mousewords: @Zammi O_O Wild pig..*gagswallow* >_< @MeriLizzie #TemporalTues

@wildfeather: *Other men start paddling frantically, while man at front holds up harpoon* OMG DEY'S GONNA KILL IT! :-O #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::grips hair:: the freakin frakkin crazy nutballin...! [fishermen chatter, look @ him skeptically, hand him oar] :whew: ta! #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @CassieBarrister Cass! We have to stop them! They's gonna kill a WHALE! *yelps as man throws his barbed spear into the water* #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi Yummy *justwaitillwegethome* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::jumps in canoe as fishermen scramble to join other boat:: /for me, it was tuesday.../ ::dips oar in water:: #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister @wildfeather It's...just like the Jaws ride at Universal, just...better animatronics! 0_0 #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie what? o_o If you like that, you'll love the acorn dumpling stew! *grin* #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:Pokes @ZAmmi & @mousewords Hey guys.... Should the others be trying to stop the whale hunt? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *cheer*Finally persuaded our hosts to take us down to the sea! But only for shellfish beach-combing *grabs harvesting basket* #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *Clutches fists to cheeks in horror as harpoon hits home & breaks off from spear leaving a trailing float attached by string* #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *men point at float & try to follow the injured whale's path through the water with the canoes* >:-[ *draws katana* STOP! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *Observing women sprinkling salt into razorfish holes & grabbing the shellfish as it shoots up out of the sand in shock* Wow! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie *distracted* mmm? #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi You might wanna look at what @CassieBarrister & @wildfeather are up to!! #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister *squeaks* @Wildfeather! it's just a show! you're gonna have security down on you for bringing that--hey, how'd u get it- #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *chucks aside paddle & raises glittering sword into the air, threatening those chasing the whale as it drags the float behind* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: [paddles harder, watching @wildfeather & @cassiebarrister] awww crud...can't hear me over waves! Wild, don't do anythin...wild #temporaltues

@wildfeather: I'M NOT KIDDIN, TURN DIS FREAKIN BOAT AROUND! *Fumes* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *In conversation w men painting themselves all over with ochre ready for diving expedition* @MeriLizzie wait,*looks up* WHAT?! #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister *tugs at @Wildfeather's jacket* Wild! ohemgee sitdown sitdown! you'll get arrested! *thinks* 0_0 u'll get BOTH of us arrested! #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *Watches men go boggle-eyed over weird shiny, pointy thing* Yeeaah.. I got your attention now, don't I! >:-[ *points at shore* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *pegs it up and down the shoreline, hollering against the wind* @wildfeather!! @WildFeather!! What on earth are you doing?! #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi *GASP* You better get over there!! NOW #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie Crazy-ass ninja! What do we do?!? #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: [sees flash of sword in sunlight] ::whimpers:: yeahhh, THAT'S not gonna earn us a visit from the enforcers..."WILD!! STOW IT!" #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi Hope that @CassieBarrister knocks her out of the boat & she drops the sword? #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @MeriLizzie what d'you want me to do? WALK ON WATER? *looks around for another canoe* *pleads with divers for a lift* #temporaltues

@mousewords: *runs along w @Merilizzie & @Zammi* Time machine kit comes standard with a theta-wave projector, we can wipe their memories.. #TemporalTues

@wildfeather: *Gestures at coastline trying to ignore @RustyNorman's all-too-near shouting* Home, James, and don't spare the horses! >:-[ #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister @Wildfeather *tug tug tug* Willld, now Rusty's freakin! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi @mousewords we're gonna flashy-thingy them? Like a neuralizer? ALL of them? O_o *Explodes with geeky-awesome* :D #temporaltues

@mousewords: @Zammi @Merilizzie -tho how we'll get the whole tribe, I don't know unless we-*screetchhalt* 0_0 Are we going in a boat? #TemporalTues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords only if I get to say 'the answers u're lookin for, are riiiight here.' #notacliche #nuhuh #notwhenitsforreal #geek #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords yes.. *points at canoe* Boat.. *points at you* us. Is there a problem? *proffers oar* #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @CassieBarrister I'm gonna start loppin off heads in a minute,How's dat for a themepark souvenier?Who cares if he gets grumpy? #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: [cups hands around mouth,shouts @wildfeather]Wild this ain't sea world, these guys cn eat for weeks on a whale. life or death! #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman it's not life OR death for the blinkin whale, is it?! It's just curtains! #temporaltues

@mousewords: @Zammi Um..I have this..vertigo/motion sickness thing-ohwhattheheck. *takes oar* :D #TemporalTues

@MeriLizzie:@mousewords @Zammi I think I will stay right here on shore thankyouverymuch ;D #TemporalTues

@RustyNorman: ::strips off sweater:: /ok, this is stupid/ @wildfeather yeah i know, sad fact o life kid, but ya gotta think o the babies! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords tell me how many particle physicists have been involved in LHC development? Can you name any?*paddles frantically* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: [fishermen shout as he stands up in canoe, wobbles a second, then takes a flying leap across open waves toward other boat] #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman I'm thinkin of the babies. Gonna educate dem. Fish are friends, NOT food. Uh whale fish-that-are-not-fish and.. #TemporalTues

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman *gets confused**raises sword up again*OK dat's not da point.Da point is,dey shouldnt be nommin whales! *threaten* #temporaltues

@mousewords: @Zammi Particle physicists? Uh..*paddles* I know @KitWiley..& Jen Klay's a physicist, but she worked on ALICE at CERN.. #TemporalTues

@RustyNorman: ::SPLORSH:: [lands half in/half out of @Wildfeather's canoe, rockin the boat] #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords ahuh, any more? *Operation Distract Mousewords is in full effect**paddle* Which country inputted the most funding? #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister *shrieks at @RustyNorman's arrival* *boat sways dangerously back & forth* *looks up at Wild's sword, nervous* #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *Yipes* *wobbles* *uses ninja trainin to stay upright* @RustyNorman you keep outta dis, you! #TemporalTues

@CassieBarrister *grabs Rusty by the arm & drags him into canoe* ack, are u nuts?? *whispers* I think she has heatstroke, she's lost it :/ #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi nice move.... now shouldn't be the time for me to mention YOUR IN A BOAT@!!??? @mousewords #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *Points tip of katana at lead boatman who yells incoherantly at Rusty, soon as he arrives, & points at me like I'm a nutcase* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @CassieBarrister 0_0 ::hates to tell Cassie that she's the one w the weakest grip on reality at the mo:: [stands] now, Wild.. #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie: ^^watches from shore as @RustyNorman tries to stop @wildfeather Ihopehemakesit! #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @merilizzie *contemplates the many ways in which she's gonna slap you about with a fish when she gets back to shore* shush you #temporaltues

@mousewords: @Zammi *thinking* I used to know that..I should google- oh wait, not here..in..a boat..@_o @MeriLizzie #TemporalTues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi *innocent look* Wha? Who? Me? #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: Wild, now, ya gotta trust me..//hsst, shove over, Cass// ..::arms out harmlessly, nudges closer to @wildfeather :: #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords Remember the Guide..Remember the Guide..Remember the Guide..Uhh..$200 says you can't touch your nose w your tongue #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman I'm not potty ya know! I'm a crazy-mad ninja. [There's a difference] #temporaltues

@mousewords: @Zammi You'd *win* that bet, just ask @StacyJMT! o_@ *urp* #TemporalTues

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman you tell dis crazy not-Japanese Japanese person, dat razor-sharp implements are not for kiddies! *Wields katana* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @wildfeather yeah..sayin of which..:quick move:[grabs Wild's wrist, twists sword out o her hand & clamps arm around her waist] #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords rats.. Uh. *getting closer to @wildfeather's boat, dripping sweat stinging sun-sore lips* 20 questions, who am I? #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::tosses sword to Cassie:: hold that! /oh i'm dead, god i'm so dead/ #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman and confiscate their nasty barbed sticks! #TemporalTues

@MeriLizzie *clasps hands in anticipation* #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman augh! *kicks, screams and generally throws tantrum, rueing the day she promised she wouldn't hurt Rusty* #temporaltues

@mousewords: @Zammi Zammi. Next question? ;) *paddles* #TemporalTues

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman let me go! let me go, or I'll..... give you da kiss of da dragon thingy *winces hoping you've seen the movie* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords *rolleyes* *pulls up beside @wildfeather's boat* ladies and gentleman, all aboard! Let's let these nice men get on #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:**decides she better get the time machine fired up or when everyone gets back to shore** #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: [water sloshes round his ankles as boat sways] @wildfeather truce! TRUCE! ya can gimme all the kisses ya want on shore! #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:Anything you see me tweet w/ #temporaltues is a short fiction story on Twitter. Search #temporaltues to follow along.

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman grrROAR!! Remind me to lend you my Jet Li collection *collapses into sulkin, immovable, make-myself-heavy object* #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister *clutches @Wildfeather's sword* whew. c'mon guys, we gotta get poor Wild to first aid! #TemporalTues

@RustyNorman: @wildfeather ::chuckle:: ya lost today kid, but it doesn't mean ya have to like it. [hauls inert WF down to seat] ::hwoof:: #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman welcome aboard the Millenium Falcon- 5th millenium BC that is ;) *relieved**sculls boat around to face the shore* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *Nods politely to divers, rubbing pigment on their skin ready to drop overboard**tries to ask by sign language why they do it* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @ZAmmi bwa-ha! XD [settles down] ::pecks ur cheek:: fancy meetin you in this corner o the galaxy, ya come here often? ;] #temporaltues

@wildfeather: @RustyNorman *brooding pout* can I ave my sword back please before Legally Blonde here gets saltwater all over da 16thC blade? #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @wildfeather you're kinda in time-out til we get to shore. but if ya keep behavin nice, then sure. #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @wildfeather *fearlessly clonks you on the back of your head with the oar pommel* No lip, missy. just cos you're sulkin #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister @wildfeather o_0 *holds sword carefully away from sea spray* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman #jedihandwave These aren't the whales you are looking for.. XD Hmm shoulda tried that Wild! #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:Watches as @wildfeather @ZAmmi @mousewords @RustyNorman & @CassieBarrister head back to shore #temporaltues

@mousewords: @Zammi @RustyNorman @MeriLizzie Hey, speaking of Jedi mind tricks..*rummages in bag for theta wave projector* #TemporalTues

@mousewords: They can't understand me, so I can't describe a memory for them..just have 2 wipe out the last few minutes & hope it's enough #TemporalTues

@ZAmmi: Huh.. the weirdest thing.. *reaches the shallows & divers drop over the side* They say they do it to scare the 'big fish' away #temporaltues

@mousewords: *hollers & whistles to get fishermen's attention* >>THETA-WAVE-FLASH<< *sits primly down* #TemporalTues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords well, they're certainly waiting for an explanation. *points at slightly confused, angry gaggle on shore* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords better flash them too #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *stirs as canoe sloshes up on2 shingle beach*Do I get my sushi now?*snatches sword from Cass before she even sees my arm move* #temporaltues

@mousewords: *wave & grin at gaggle on shore* Say cheese, guys! Or don't, if you haven't invented it yet. >>FLASH<< #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *examines sword for damage* *warning sideward glance @CassieBarrister* never promised I wouldn't hurt YOU. Jus sayin. #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister @wildfeather *stares skyward innocently* @RustyNorman uh, anyway, sushi. can we go for sushi or a burger? *feels a lil dizzy* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *Strolls, contented, up towards time machine carrying precious, lacquered, flameware serving dish, waving to happy villagers* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::breathes sigh of releif trudging back to time machine, tugging @wildfeather by sleeve:: @cassiebarrister yeah, sure. #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi Are you all done messing with time & ready to go now? *hands on hips* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords remind me t'get 1 of those flashy thingys for next time I cut across a police car in heavy traff..I mean nevermind #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @merilizzie yes mom. #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi };p #temporaltues

@mousewords: @ZAmmi I'm kind of tempted to use one on the Enforcers, myself.. >_> #TemporalTues

@ZAmmi: *Looks up*Big fish..*lightbulb*SHARKS! Omg! Sharks! Sharks're repelled by certain metals..Maybe there's summat in the pigment? #temporaltues

@blanghinrichs Almost forgot it was #temporaltues, but luckily I did. Now I can go back to the beginning of the day and try again.

@ZAmmi: @mousewords *steps inside* eh..They dont remember anythin. Ergo: We haven't changed anythin. Ergo: No barny.*Nonchalant shrug* #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@ZAmmi O_O DId you grab any by chance? Or still have some on? #temporaltues

@blanghinrichs Just my luck. I seem to have landed in some sort of fantasy shark spectacular. What do sharks have to do with #temporaltues?

@wildfeather: *settles into timemachine seat smirking at ignorant Americans puzzling at 'barney'* *pulls out sword again to polish it* #TemporalTues

@RustyNorman: ::spreads arms wide to corral group into time machine:: cmon ladies. in a line. one atta time please. or 2, we'll go faster. #temporaltues

@MeriLizzie:@RustyNorman Quit pushing!! #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @blanghinrichs a lot i guess, in the stone age ;] have fun. try the chestnut cookies. ::waves & enters own time machine:: #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *uses whetstone she bartered from weird bangle lady for a bunch of nuts pilfered from @mousewords* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @merilizzie for analysis? *checks hands* I still have some smeared on my palms. If only I had a test tube handy.. #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister *squinches between @Wildfeather & @mousewords* this was a weird park. the safety regs are like way off code. *yawns* #temporaltues

@mousewords: @ZAmmi *rummages in satchel* *hands you ziplock baggie* #TemporalTues

@mousewords: Everybody ready to go home? Say when, and hit the big red button! #TemporalTues

@mousewords: Side note: I don't mind going back a day early. I have some extra work to catch up on. >_> #TemporalTues

@MeriLizzie:@mousewords ready freddy! #TemporalTues

@ZAmmi: @mousewords dude, you really do pack well don't you? *pecks cheek* Is your motto 'Be Prepared?' *scrapes pigment into baggie* #temporaltues

@CassieBarrister *blinks sleepily at @Zammi* wait..Barney? was this a Flintstones park? o_0 #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @CassieBarrister pretty much Cass. That's why we got in.. *points at @WildFeather* take it away, Wild. #TemporalTues

@mousewords: @ZAmmi Actually..it is :-) I say I'm the female Boy Scout #truestory #Ireallypackziplocks #TemporalTues

@wildfeather: @CassieBarrister @ZAmmi *full-on cockney roar* Barney Rubble! TROUBLE! *Big beaming grin* *throws arms round you* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @CassieBarrister cockney rhyming slang ;) Tuesday 13th July 2010, Ventura Sushi Bar *Hits red button* #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: ::tucks arm round @ZAmmi as time machine hums:: hon, if this's what girls day out is like, c'n ya invite me more often? ;] #temporaltues

@wildfeather: *sits in restaurant nomming California Roll* Can't believe I went all da way to Japan, an had to come to //SOCAL// for sushi! #temporaltues

@mousewords: :-D RT @frankjonen: @mousewords you guys have fun, I'll take the DeLorean and catch up. #TemporalTues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman *sips soda* *remembers* *pause* *turns to look at you* You want to wear my _makeup_? o_0 #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @ZAmmi ::grins:: yeah..ya know, a little powder on my shoulder, some lipstick right here...::points at cheek:: ;] #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman there? Oh. *pretend downcast eyes* Not.. *points at lip* ? #temporaltues

@RustyNorman: @ZAmmi mmmm...::pretend-considers:: i think i need a full makeover. ;] #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @RustyNorman I'll start with blusher. ;) *kisses you til you glow* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *flash of color running through forest at brakeneck speed. Feet slapping on the hard earth til soles sting* *dodges swineherd* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *bursts out onto the pebbly seashore**Sees fishermen emptying their circular nets on the beach, 2 examining a Strange Garment* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: I'LLTAKETHAT! *snatches up @RustyNorman's sweater out of their startled hands* Nice fishing with you! *nods. waves* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *flashythingys them with theta wave to wipe their memories**legs it back up beach**smiles & neuralizes bewildered bangle-lady* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *as she passes the village* Had a great visit, thanks! k g'bye. *Jumps in cavernously empty timemachine* *hits big red button* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: *dumps keys back in @Wendell_Howes office* *tugs collar* phew, that was a close one. *Grins awkwardly at him* #temporaltues

@ZAmmi: @explodingdragon Rusty left his sweater. I had ta go back n get it.. temporal causality.. butterfly effect, you know the drill #temporaltues

@Wendell_Howe: @ZAmmi Thank you for the safe return of my time machine...I mean, the Institute’s time machine ...erm, is that a dent? #TemporalTues

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