
134th Temporal Tuesday - 24 January

vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1961- Visited Lazard Brothers Ltd where they drew a check for $334,867,807.68. I cannot confirm if it was paid to me.

vonHogflume: #TemporalTues It is just coincidence that a fire in1568 that destroyed Abdij Church in Middelburg occurred when my #timemachine sparked.

FamilyTreeUK: #TemporalTues currently in 1751 with @williamhogarth in St Giles, London. For some reason I don't feel like having a gin.

fangarius: The Doctor and I are participating in the Chrono Laff-A-Lympics.. yeah, they're now time travelling.. us? The Scooby team. #TemporalTues

fangarius: First stop, a Penny-farthing race in 1898 London, followed by a hot-air balloon journey to France. #TemporalTues

vonHogflume: @thelitbitch Have you seen the #TemporalTues hashtag? Very interesting #timetravel tweets.

thelitbitch: @Wendell_Howe @vonHogflume Looks like you and I share a love of #TimeTraveling :) I do a weekly meme called #TimeTravelTuesday :)

thelitbitch: Check out this week's destination #TimeTravelTuesday Weekly Meme: Time Travel Tuesday (1/24/12)



133rd Temporal Tuesday - 17 January

History_Singers: #TemporalTues Poet K. Lee Bates is smitten by the white structures housing the 1893 Columbian Expo in Chicago. Falmouth Museums on the Green

vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1861 - I visited Thomas Crapper to congratulate him on inventing the flush toilet. I refrained from shaking his hand.

vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1861 - Pete Bogs and Henry John were rather upset that Thomas Crapper patented the flush toilet first. Not sure about Tim Loo.

puelladocta: I'm packing a small bag for 14th Century Brussels! I want to see them making the illuminated Rochefoucauld Grail book #TemporalTues

puelladocta: Apparently it was made between 1315 & 1323. Well...*spins the dial to random date* Time Machine roulette, don't fail me now! #TemporalTues

puelladocta: Oh, I happened to hit the right year and saw Rochefoucauld Grail book! Lovely trip all in all. Missed plumbing the most. #TemporalTues

korikatra: Bye winter! I'm spending the day at one of my fave history vacation spots - Ancient Egypt! Hibbert's coming too. >^.^< #TemporalTues

korikatra: Enjoying the sand & sun! Reading the book I brought with me in the time machine: Tutankhamun His Tomb and its Treasures. #TemporalTues

korikatra: Home from my #TemporalTues escape to ancient Egypt. Washing the kohl off and trading my linens for woolies. The art was breathtaking. :)

lousmom313: @korikatra this mama's gonna use #temporaltues to relax on a sunny beach in Australia, maybe Sydney or Brisbane!

Captain_Zaphod: Those "lost" episodes of #DoctorWho ? I must've stolen them one #TemporalTues as I'm watching them now. Find the Heart of Gold & watch w/ me



132nd Temporal Tuesday - 10 January

vonHogflume: #TemporalTues 1863 - I travelled on the newly-opened London Underground train. It was pulled by a very smokey steam engine.

Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues travelled in search of the dinosaur rapture. As it turns out, fossilized dino remnants were those left behind... @malki

Wendell_A_Howe: @__TARDIS__ Wish I could take a certain TARDIS for uneventful day at Waikiki Beach 1888 to unwind. (above high-tide line) #TemporalTues



131st Temporal Tuesday - 3 January

Captain_Zaphod: #TemporalTues felt like ribs today, so I went back & grabbed Fred & his little buddy. We had the best bronto-ribs that side of the ice age.

Scablander: @Captain_Zaphod It is healthier to eat ribs with Fred and Barney than smoking Winstons behind the shed. Flintstones First Sponsor #TemporalTues
